Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I don't know if things can get any crazier during taper madness... please don't hold me responsible for anything I say or do the next several days... my online capabilities will cease at the end of day Monday the 15th, so there will be no outlet for my insanity. What will I do without a computer??? I just don't know. There may be lots of UGA's (unnecessary gear acquisitions) going on. I was shopping for socks at Sierra trading post yesterday.

One interesting thing after my walk last night. Raymond (dh) was talking about the race I am doing with a couple of his friends and he said something that actually made sense. He still does not think I will finish, and the reason he feels that way actually made sense to me. He said that there are very FEW people who could even think about walking or running 100 miles; and he is right. It seems that the percentage of the population who have done a marathon is growing. The people who do 100 mile races are a tiny sub-group of the marathoners.

He feels like these '100 mile' runners/walkers are people who sacrifice their family life to get the training done. I don't have a good answer for that statement, except for the fact that he spends a lot of time with his friends, and my children are grown and have their own lives. Walking long distance is my free time and I choose to spend my free time walking long distance.

Just Maryann

oh, and ................... 10

1 comment:

  1. i read somewhere that you can look into the eyes of people @ the start of a 100 miler and tell who will finish before the race starts. If you go in believing you will achieve.
